Chapter 6 - Mana
Supernatural phenomena are the effects produced from Mana, a powerful force that infuses the multiverse with its energy. There are some who are able to channel its power and use it to bring to bear powerful effects. These effects are categorized as the MANA APTITUDES.
How it works - Mana
Mana, in essence, is raw cosmic energy, likened to the live current of electricity. The MANA attribute represents the ability to channel raw power energy from the cosmos and store it inside oneself. Holding mana in this way comes with its own benefits and drawbacks. NOTE: of all the abilities, Mana is the only attribute that starts at 0, while the rest start with 1 during hero creation.
Spell Essence Aptitudes give your hero access to various spell effects, which take a MANA roll. Your hero can, at first, only manifest spell effects in their space, or upon those they touch. Purchasing certain Spell Shape Aptitudes will give your hero other ways to manifest these effects. Metamagic Aptitudes give your hero the ability to augment their spells to greater effect.
Following are the actions that can be taken with MANA.
Casting a spell: the SHAPE action
To cast a spell, your hero takes the SHAPE action. Regardless of failure or success, mark a spell cast. Each successive spell cast accumulates a -1 penalty on SHAPE actions.
Aptitude Tier | Base |
1 (Novice) | 1 |
2 (Journeyman) | 4 |
3 (Veteran) | 9 |
4 (Peerless) | 16 |
5 (Expert) | 25 |
Overchannelled: Because mana is raw, unfiltered magical power running through your hero's body, they can only channel so much. If this number becomes greater than double your hero's MANA attribute, your hero dies, exploding and causing each creature within a radius in unites equal to your hero's MANA value to make a MANA-contested REFLEX roll, taking bludgeoning damage on failure.
Backlash: Each degree of failure incurs an instance of bleeding.